1. How can I access product information ?
Ans. You are required to be a required member of NDCDA. Then NDCDA will provide you a login id & password to access information system. 

2. What are the Requirements for Sales premises(Grant of Drug Selling Licence)?
Ans. The Requirements of Sales premises are as follows:
Minimum carpet area:
. For Retail sale  -  10 square meter
. For Wholesale  - 10 square meter
. For Retail         - 15 square meter

3. What are the Storage Facilities ( Grant of Drug Selling Licence)?
Ans.  Adequate storage facilities including cupboards with glass doors ,racks refrigerator is required.

4.What is the Procedure to obtail Drug Selling Licence?
Ans.  Application for grant of Selling Licence.

Stage 1

The applicant has to make application in the requisite Form viz 19, 19A, 19B , 19AA 
details of Forms and pay Necessary fees .Fee can be Paid in cash at Head Office/Division as well as any other District Officer . The fee can also be paid through challan at Goverment Treasury , Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India and State Bank of Hyderabad for Maratha Wada Region under Head of Account - 0210- Medical and Public Health 104 - fees and Fines etc.

Documents to be attached along with the application form:
. Requisite Application Form.
. Receipt for the fees paid or challan,as the case may be or their attested copies.
. Layout plan of selling premises in 3 copies.
. Documents viz , rent receipt , purchase documents or its attested copies showing    lawful possession of the premises.
. Documents relating to the constitution of the firm viz. Partnership-deed,  memorandum and article of association etc.
. Full particulars of the competent technical staff / registered persons along with    copies of  their educational qualification, experience and registration certificates.
. Full name of the propriwtor or the partners , as the case may be shall be provided in  the application .In case of Private or Public Limited concerns, full  name of the  Directors who sign the application and the authorised signatory , if any , shall be  provided in the application.
. Documents for the purchase of Refrigerator/Deep freezer (For Vaccines / Sera).

Stage 2

The application is scrutinized and premises inspected.

Stage 3

Grant of Licence if all conditions as prescribed by the act are compliedlicence is grantes. Adequate storage facilities including cupboards with glass doors,racks refrigerator is required.

5. What is the Procedure to Obtain Authorization (Grant of Authorization under NDPS Act)?
Stage 1

Application for grant of Authorisation
The applicant has to make application in the prescribed proforma. The applicant has to pay fee of Rs 10/-
Fee can be paid in cash at Head Office/Division as well as any other District Office. The fee can also be paid through challan at Goverment Tresury,Reserve bank of India, State Bank of India and State Bank of Hyderabad for Maratha Wada Region under Head Account - 0210 - Medical and Public Health.04 - Public Health 104 - fees and Fines ,etc. Documents to attached along with the aplication :
. Receipt for the fees paid or challan.
. Covering letter.
. Application in requisite proforma.
. NDPS Licence xerox copy.
. Previous transport permit xerox copy along with purchase bull xerox copy.
. Documents pertaining to consumption.

Stage 2

The application is scrutinized and premises inspected.

Stage 3

Grant of Authorisation If all conditions as prescribed by the act are compiled licence is granted.

6. What is address of Food & drug Administration office,Yavatmal?
Ans. Office of Joint Commissioner,5th Floor, New Administrative Building, Zilla 2, Zilla parishad Compound Civil Lines, Yavatmal.
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